March (like February) has certainly been a very wet month! However, daffodils are swaying in the breeze along the grass verges of the village, cheering us all with their promise of warmer weather to come and early thoughts of summer holidays. It is on this note that we were treated to an interesting talk and short film from Neil Clarke, of his travels in Iceland. He made two trips in 2015, one in February, where he experienced temperatures of -21 and then again in October, when the weather was more amenable. Scenery was amazing and its history fascinating.
On both trips he had a wonderful time starting in the capital Reykjavik with its striking Cathedral, out on the water whale watching and then going into the surrounding countryside seeing the rare breed horses, the Blue Lagoon and the thermally heated greenhouses growing tomatoes and vegetables all year round. Travelling to the mountain ranges and glaciers he even went caving. Maybe it will entice some of our members to book a future trip to Iceland themselves.
The annual litter pick took place on Saturday 16 March. Thank you to everyone in the village who helped – those who turned out in wet weather to collect rubbish and also to those who made and provided very welcome refreshments back in the Hall. It does make a difference to walk along our lanes and be able to enjoy the primroses and other spring flowers without seeing discarded cups, bottles, etc.
7 ladies came to our monthly lunch at The Bell on Wednesday 20 March. All are very welcome – if you don't want a main meal just have a light snack or a coffee & pud!
We are looking forward to our speaker on the 8 April, Mary Cross, who will be demonstrating all aspects of Willow, including the making of a willow plant support. We will also have a Sales Table to raise funds for a local women’s refuge. Please look out any items you could donate. A reminder that the annual subs are due. £48 to be paid by BACS, cheque or cash. Members will receive a programme for 2024/25, showing all the exciting speakers and activities. The Spring bulb catalogues are now available and can be viewed on-line. Please contact Mary M if you are interested.
Another event in April some members are looking
forward to is a special "Behind the Scenes" tour of Frome
Museum. A very interesting visit to see
and hear about the history of the town, including the building that houses the
museum, and the work carried out today entirely by volunteer helpers. The Museum is open for normal admissions
10am-2pm Tuesday to Saturday and Independent Market Sundays. More information on:
On 27 April we will be participating in the annual ACWW walk. Each year on or around 29 April, women worldwide celebrate ACWW’s international network by joining together to Walk the World. ACWW amplifies the voices of rural women and creates real, sustainable change in rural communities. We invite everyone (men, women, children and dogs!) to join us on Saturday 26 April at 2pm. We plan to arrange 2 walks of different lengths (longest no more than an hour) for all abilities.
Refreshments, of course, back at the Village Hall. Served from 3pm - all welcome - not just for those who have walked. All donations going to the work of ACWW. For more information see:
The real enjoyment of our WI Group is the diversity of evenings we experience through our talks, demonstrations and social events. We also offer a variety of wider interests through our sub-groups – Line Dancing, T'ai-Chi, Crafting and a Book Club. If you are interested do come to one of our monthly meetings. We are a friendly bunch of women of all ages and welcome visitors and new members. No obligation to join!!
We meet on the second Monday of every month at The Memorial Hall at 7:30pm.
Just turn up or contact Caroline on 01373 812889 for further details.
And lastly a VERY HAPPY EASTER to you all.
What a busy group! Lots of fun and variety to be had. Give it a go!