After a rather hectic start (first because I couldn't find the extension lead - thank you Barbara for saving the day! Secondly because we couldn't make the laptop play the right game - thank you to Daniel for solving all of those challenges!) we had a fun-filled evening! Judy Annan's talk about her travels all over the world was nothing short of amazing! From Mongolia to Lapland, from Madagascar to Syria and many, many more.
Once Marguerite and Val had made drinks for us all, we sat down to listen to Gill Odolphie who told us all about rocks and how we owe everything to them: where we live, the food we grow..... And she gave us a brief introduction to the different types of rock, passing samples around for us to study, including some rather rare black quartz which is worth £1,000 as well as an intricate Mexican fossil, millions of years old which was bought for 50p!
We all had a really sociable time, lots of members stayed afterwards to chat; and both of our speakers who had listened to each other, decided that they would like to come back again to hear our next speaker.