When and where we meet:


Get in touch to join in now without commitment.


Every 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall,

Leigh on Mendip

Visitors welcome!

For more details contact Caroline Dove
01373 812889

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Meeting 12th March 2018

Our President Sue Rodford pointed out several articles of interest in the County News March edition. These included a picture of our visit to Shepton Prison, some craft events coming up in Burrrowbridge and at the Bath and West showground and for the latter venue a reminder of volunteers needed for the WI tea tent at the annual show.

We were also reminded to start thinking about contributions for our adult tombola stall at the fete in June as we will need a lot of prizes. The recent snow had meant the village clean-up had been postponed and would now take place on Sat 17th March, all arrangements as before.

Looking ahead into April the monthly coffee morning will resume on Friday 2nd, another event which was affected by last month’s snow. We have one team of 4 entered for the Hall quiz on Saturday 7th but often manage to enter two so if you are interested ring Sue Vaughan on 813115, we can put together a team of 4 from individuals if needed. Lastly there are still no volunteers to carry the banner at the Wells event on the 28th but if you do think you may be able to help with this contact Sue Rodford as soon as possible as the cloth needs supports made to enable it to be carried. 

We then had an interesting and informative talk about composting from Steve Mynard who spreads the word about the importance of this on behalf of Somerset County Council. He gave us plenty of tips on what to do and gave us some very useful handouts to take away, so no excuses not to get on and start composting if you don’t already.

At the next meeting on Monday April 9th there will be a talk on the Mendip Hills so very relevant to us all.