April Showers!! Well we have certainly had a wet month, including rain on the last day. Here's hoping for a drier and warmer May.
Fortunately for us Saturday 29th was a bright and sunny afternoon. At 2pm a group of ladies set off from the Village Hall to do two different walks in aid of ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World). Each year on or around 29 April, women worldwide celebrate ACWW's international network by joining together to Walk the World. It is the largest international organisation for both rural and urban women, with a membership of nine million in over 70 countries.
Of course, it would not be the WI without tea and cake being served at the end! It was lovely to see so many chatting and enjoying each other's company. We raised £88.50. Thank you so much for those who made cakes, served teas and joined us on the walk.
We learnt that trees can help us experience real calm and peace whilst navigating our busy and complex lives. She spoke of our Key Native Species and how these have adapted and evolved with other Non-Native ones. She brought along some examples of acorns and seeds to help us understand these differences. She also gave an informative precis of how she developed her keen interest and long time passion. A very charming and engaging talk.
Some of our members and husbands went to Radstock Museum on 27 April. A first visit for some and for others an opportunity after many years to take a look again at the different historical aspects of Radstock life. Afterwards a very tasty meal at the local Italian restaurant. Thank you to the organisers.
Our meeting on 8 May will be back in the Memorial Hall and it will be our annual AGM. This is when we'll discuss the new WI Resolution, "Clean Rivers for People and Wildlife", and take a vote. Caroline is attending the AGM in Cardiff in May and will take our vote forward. At our meeting we will also be choosing our new Committee members and President. There will also be a short display from our band of Line Dancers (one of our growing number of sub-groups).
Don't forget that Denman offers lots of very
interesting and varied on-line courses.
Why not sign up to their newsletter?
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Each month we enjoy either a pre-arranged speaker or an in-house social event, followed by light refreshment and chat. It's a lovely way to catch-up and make new friends. So if you feel like joining us and would like to see if it's for you, why not come along. We are always delighted to welcome new members, either from Leigh on Mendip or the surrounding villages.
If you are interested please contact Caroline
on 01373 812889.