When and where we meet:


Get in touch to join in now without commitment.


Every 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall,

Leigh on Mendip

Visitors welcome!

For more details contact Caroline Dove
01373 812889

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

May 2015 Meeting & AGM

In May we had our AGM and also discussed the Resolution led by Jan Pattison. The latter item caused some confusion as the detail seemed to be mainly about ensuring that “Continuing Care” was fairly accessed across the country, which was dependent on quite specific and limited types of health care needs. However the Resolution itself veered away from this and sought to ask that the destinction between personal and nursing care be removed for everyone. Partly due to this apparent contradiction and a general lack of clarity in the document we voted to leave the decision on whether to support it or not to our National AGM delegate Mary, once she has heard the arguments and obtained further information.

Lists were sent round for people to sign up to provide cakes for various events including the fete and it was pointed out by Caroline that at our recent Food Hygiene course we learnt that, by law, we now have to declare various ingredients if we use them in our cakes. The list includes many basic items such as eggs so we need to let anyone selling them know what our cakes include so that this information can be put on a label. It would be decided by the next meeting exactly how this would work.

Finally we had our AGM with an interesting review of the year prepared and read by Jan and a set of certified accounts given out. All current members of the committee agreed to stand again and we voted for the new President. Barbara very kindly agreed to take this post as without a President the group would have had to close. We then enjoyed some lovely refreshments prepared by the committee.

Our next meeting will be on Monday 8th June at 7.30 when we will have a talk about the RNLI

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