When and where we meet:


Get in touch to join in now without commitment.


Every 2nd Monday of the month at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall,

Leigh on Mendip

Visitors welcome!

For more details contact Caroline Dove
01373 812889

Monday, 19 June 2023


Well we can claim that part of the month has certainly been 'Flaming June'.  So lovely to be outdoors enjoying our gardens and other open spaces.  We've waited long enough – though the gardens and farmers need the rain.

Unfortunately, our speaker, Nancy Freeman, was unwell and able to give her talk on Japanese Crafts this month.  Hopefully, she may be able to do a future meeting. 

However, we were combining this with a display from our Craft Group.  They have created lovely items – some very talented ladies!  Three of our 'Crafters' did a Fashion display of the Skye Wraps they had made.  They are beautiful – made with material donated by one of the members and lined with some very pretty Liberty prints.  Well done!  We then all took part in a Quiz – thank you to those who organised it at the last minute. 

Our President Caroline attended the national WI Annual Meeting in Cardiff at the end of May along with a few hundred other members from around the country.  The meeting was very interesting and included two motivational speakers who gave tips for success including:

     Confidence is overrated, courage matters and

     Treat others as you would like to be treated. 

There was time over the lunch break to ride on the carousel in Cardiff city centre!!

Having listened to the speakers for the "Clean Rivers for People and Wildlife" Resolution Caroline personally felt that funding would be better allocated to the less expensive option of cleaner water for wildlife rather than for the more specific wild swimming for people.  She voted, however, as she had been instructed by the WI groups she was representing.  It was generally felt that in future years it would be beneficial for all WI members to be able to listen to the expert speakers before passing on their voting options to their delegate.   A more detailed Report had been sent to all members.

Denman College has now closed and with the funds all WI members are now offered free on-line courses and there is also a possibility of Grants being offered to Federations for more local in-person courses.

The Speaker in July will be on "Driving for the over 60's".  It is also "Pride Month" and  it was suggested that to show our support locally we could all wear to this meeting a bright colour (single colour or rainbow).  We will take photos and possibly use to update our main Blog photo. 

Meanwhile there are plenty of other activities – including our monthly lunch at The Bell on Wednesday 21st, Group Meeting at Buckland Dinham on 4 July, and the various sub-groups getting together.

If you are interested in finding out more or would like to come along to a meeting please contact Caroline on 01373 812889. 


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